How To Edit Pages - Quickstart

To add a new page to this site, simply type the name of the page into the textbox at the bottom of the left-hand navigation box and click "new page".

To edit pages in this site, simply click on "edit" button at the bottom of the page. This will open an editor.

To create a link to a new page, use syntax: [[[new page name]]] or [[[new page name | text to display]]]. Follow the link to create a new page and instantly edit it!

Creating and editing pages is easy and there are many options that let you to create powerful sites!

Please visit Documentation pages to learn more.

Adding Your Resource List

To post your resources list for your Reports on World Music Resources group assignment, do the following:

  • Create a new page and add content to your page.
  • After saving your page, click the "+ Options" button at the bottom-right corner of the page.
  • Click the "Parent" button that appears below the "+ Options" button.
  • Type "resources" into the Parent text field and click "save".

Your new page should now appear on the Resources page.