
This site is for MUH 5587 - Seminar in World Music.

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End-of-Semester Wrap-up

Geographic Region Sources

Some of you have not completed your 10-minute presentation assignments. In addition to your in-class presentation, the assignment instructs you to "post a list of links and other sources used in your presentation to the course website within a week of your presentation." If you have not done this, please add your sources to the proper area under the "Geographic Regions" link above before the last day of class!


Your notebooks (3-ring binders) are due the last day of class (Dec. 3). You should turn in a notebook to me (I have extras if someone needs one) with the following inside:

  • Syllabus for world music course
  • Weekly lecture notes
  • Enhanced lesson plan based on your assigned chapter/geographic region
  • Statement of Teaching Philosophy

Detailed instructions for each of the above-listed assignments is on the assignments page.

One-to-one meetings

I would like to meet with each of you individually to discuss your presentations, written work, peer evaluations, final grade, etc. Please sign up to meet with me during finals week. In none of the times listed on the sign up page work with your schedule, please notify me immediately.


Please make sure you return your Bakan textbook to me at our final exam (Dec. 10) or earlier. I must have these back in order to give you a grade for the class!